The August 17, 2024 Textile Recycling Drive sponsored by the Mashpee Environmental Coalition (MEC) was a great success, with 3,000 lbs. of textiles dropped off in a 4-hour period. As an added plus, the combined Household Hazardous Waste, Textile Recycling, and Shredding Event received front page coverage in the Mashpee Enterprise.

Since August 2023, MEC has held three textile drives – keeping 8,750 lbs. in total out of our landfills – with up to 95% reused or repurposed. Since it is now illegal in Massachusetts for textiles to be discarded in the trash, MEC plans to sponsor textile drives twice each year — in April for Earth Day, and in August combined with the county’s Household Hazardous Waste collection. Once the April 2025 date is confirmed, it will be widely advertised to members, throughout the Internet, and across town.